I’m a designer, illustrator, and (sometimes) writer.
I’ll always be a Michigander at 💖 but right now you can find me in Austin, Texas working as a lead product designer at IBM.
Reference Data
UX + Visual Design • User Research | IBM
Helping data stewards meet data quality standards by creating an experience to capture, manage, and socialize reference data—all in one place.
Metadata enrichment
UX + Visual | IBM
Scaling the onboarding and classification of new data with AI-powered auto-assignment.
Regulatory Accelerator
UX + Visual • User Research | IBM
Using machine learning to help data stewards ensure compliance with regulations.
Make Lab
Visual design • Skill-sharing | IBM
Working with a small team to carve out a place in our office for IBMers with shared interests to gather and work on creative projects—sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge.
Lawn Stories
UX + Visual Design • Code • Short Fiction | University of Michigan
The peculiar and sometimes baffling tales of personal struggle, triumph, battle, and camaraderie between both nature and neighbor.